Denying human-induced climate change is like denying a solar eclipse by arguing that it is also dark at night. Erik Puura explains why climate change is a fact and how humanity has already successfully tackled an environmental crisis once before.
The discussion on the future of higher education in Estonia highlighted the retreat of scientific thinking, questions about artificial intelligence, and the need to modernize the education system to bridge formulated knowledge with unformulated possibilities. One of the most intriguing moments of the discussion was a panel moderated by the Estonian president, Alar Karis, featuring Mart Saarma, Jaan Aru, Marju Lauristin, and Tiia Randma.
The new yearbook of the Estonian Information System Authority (RIA) names China as the world's biggest cyber threat, highlighting the role of intelligence services in technology, data collection, and cyberattacks. Given China's AI advancements, such as DeepSeek, the question arises – does this also pose a risk to everyday businesses and consumers?
Estonia's future depends on the balanced development of scientific and applied research, the implementation of high technologies, and the ability of the Tallinn University of Technology to bring innovation into industry and international collaboration networks.
TalTech PhD student and lover of all things space Katriin Kristmann spends a lot of her time in the university’s photovoltaic materials laboratory, where her thesis on solar panels that can be made from materials found on the Moon is taking shape. She also chairs the management board of the Estonian Student Satellite Foundation, which develops satellites and space technology. So lets take a closer look, how close are we putting a solar park on the moon?