
Denying human-induced climate change is like denying a solar eclipse by arguing that it is also dark at night. Erik Puura explains why climate change is a fact and how humanity has already successfully tackled an environmental crisis once before.
Eesti biotööstus on valmis järgmiseks arenguhüppeks, kus biomassi väärindamine ja innovatsioon avavad võimalused kestlikuks majanduskasvuks ning rahvusvaheliseks konkurentsiks.
Even in climate change science and scientific-based policymaking, ideology and activism must be left at the door, writes Annela Anger-Kraavi, head of the Climate Change Policy Research Group at the University of Cambridge.
Estonia's future depends on the balanced development of scientific and applied research, the implementation of high technologies, and the ability of the Tallinn University of Technology to bring innovation into industry and international collaboration networks.
Lately, there has been much debate about how scientists should communicate their research and its results to the public and to what extent they should shape public opinion based on scientific evidence. Are scientists visible enough? If so, could they do better? If not, why is that the case?
Professor Caspar van den Berg of the University of Groningen writes that universities must balance protecting academic freedom and meeting societal needs to maintain their independence and legitimacy.